
Who we are

Value Life Tanzania (VALITA) was formally known as Society for Advancement of Humanity (SAHU) is a community based non-governmental organization which was started in 2002 and was officially registered on 28th March 2006 with a Certificate No. 02NGO/0742 by the registrar of NGOs. VALITA started first by attending to the needs of vulnerable people who were challenged and suffering in their lives from different problems.

What we do

  • We work to conserve and protect the environments.
  • We safeguard the welfare of widows and children in need.
  • Offering education to the community in need.
  • Fostering Eco – community Living practicing permaculture.
  • VALITA is working to support people who are affected by HIV/AIDS in their varied needs.

Faced with the widespread destruction of the environment, our earth is being stripped off its originality; hence we cannot continue to use the goods of the earth as we have done in the past. Increasingly we are aware of the critical ecological devastation which faces our planetary home. A new ecological awareness has to be put in place to address this moral issue. We are committed to tell others which actions harm the environment and how to treat friendly our environments.

VALITA works with women who live in very difficult economic situation. Most of these women are widows as a result of their husbands’ death due to HIV/AIDS. These women have been left with a large number of children to take care of. Some of these women have no means of income- generating activities; while others are being involved in selling illegal local brew. Some women are very old who depend on these young children to work or beg in the streets.
VALITA has concentrated on supporting orphans and caregivers in their physical and emotional needs who risk highly getting HIV/AIDS. Our efforts have concentrated on situations which have continued to accelerate the spread of HIV/AIDS virus. In this case VALITA works and collaborates with caregivers and orphans. VALITA’s utmost concern has been to help orphans –children need our support and guidance before they get messed up in their future lives-- grow up fully integrated in the community and are not infected by the killer virus. VALITA has a preferential option for the children because it wants children continue with their education while we support in their physical and psychological need. We give HIV/AIDS education to orphans and caregivers.

Since it was founded it has worked with communities in Tanzania to support those suffering from the impact of HIV/AIDS. VALTA supported poor families in Tanzania by supporting widows and orphans to meet the needs of the orphans. VALITA fights exploitation to orphans who were being involved in adult works and were being denied to pursue their education. VALITA continues to support orphans and caregivers psychologically and physically who live in difficult environments in Tanzania.

VALITA continues to equip teachers with Engagement Pedagogy, a teaching method which encourages teachers to involve all educational stakeholders – parents, guardians, sisters and brothers, civil society and community leaders, and helps children internalize what they learn. The pedagogy enables teacher to deliver an education that is meaningful to the children’s future, and raises awareness of the intrinsic value of all life.

Whilst pupils, particularly from deprived backgrounds are faced with numerous learning and comprehension difficulties, the application of Engagement Pedagogy has been shown to be successful in making sure pupils learn more effectively in school. The Pedagogy is embodied in purposeful action, helping children absorb a high quality of education which remains meaningful in their lives because it is fully concerned with the needs of the whole person – head and heart, intellect and feelings – giving full consideration to the children’s environment and including basic ethical values.

VALITA plans to employ sustainable livelihood initiatives of practicing permaculture methods in order to build an eco –community so that to revitalize the homeless, jobless, poor and vulnerable people in Tanzania. VALITA has a lifetime project of creating/building the eco community; thereby being fully devoted to support in all possible ways people who are affected and infected with HIV/AIDS. We are resolved - for the rest of our lives –to use all our intellect, energy and spirit to work with people who are unjustly treated, poorest of the poor, powerless and those suffering from different diseases.

Administrative and operational Information

The Executive Committee plans the regular activities of VALITA. The office bearers who are the Chairman, Secretary General and the Treasurer monitor the day-to-day operations. The secretary general and assistant secretaries handle the everyday activities. VALITA mobilizes and receives volunteers with the programmes we have at hand. The general meeting is the supreme management organ of the organisation. There is an executive committee which plans the regular activities of VALITA. The office bearers who are the chairman, secretary general, project secretary and the treasurer meet on weekly bases to plan and respond to situations.

The Ultimate Goal

Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it. There is more joy is service and giving.